And you thought "the jews fear the Samurai" was just a funny /pol/ meme!
USS Liberty - 18.09.07
false-flag Liberty
greatest ally you goyim
nothing here to see
The Counter - 18.09.07
who tears apart souls
plunging the world into sin
count to number ten
( the number ten in japanese is pronounced "jū" lol )
Dept Demons - 18.09.07
demon spawn horror
insuring world gets poorer
debt the destroyer
Shill Poster - 18.09.07
shill-post on four chan
divide conquer is my plan
shoahed once again
Talmud Scholars - 18.09.07
talmudic scholars
raping ***** as ***** as three
why do Goys hate me
Floored By Scams - 18.09.07
electrical floors
endless scams out of mouth pours
volk now cucks and whores
Angel Cop Anime - 18.09.07
watching anime
sampson option plain as day
Angel Cop oy vey
Bahrax no Rerax - 18.09.07
scheming day and night
incite blacks to racial strife
hands wring out of sight
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