See If I can get my flow back. Need flow to write things. Need new strategies to appeal to current year. ParaSocial? ParaNormal? ParaSchizo? Or just yell ***** really loud to try and get INTERNETZ ATTENTION ?
THink about going FULL TYPO at times, not even giving a shit about how numerous mispellings and grammer errors make me look slightly retarded.
Just output content and get exited about outputting new content. No *****in' proofreading gonna slow dis lil' nigga down!
On a quest for TOTAL KIKE DEATH !
> Why do you have an Articuno emoji? Because I came across it while looking for the Dog
emoji, and was like...yeah, might as well. <
Site Updates
So... who will the Goyim vote for this year? No, matter who you vote for zOG wins.
Knowing that, you should pick not the one that you think is going to do you a favour, like a right wing White person voting for Trump. Trump just like Komala will continue all the zOG poicies that Obama/Bush/Clinton did before. Trump will crack down on White people and try to draft you to fight ww3 just like Komala will. However, Komala has like no popular support amongst anyone especially middle Americans who will be the subject of these crackdowns.
What you want is for the regime to have low legitimacy, you want people to drag their feet and complain all the way so as to cripple the effectivness of the zOG. Power in order to be wielded effectively needs to be considered legitimate in peoples minds. If people doubt the legitimacy of the power being wielded they are more likely to try and go against it or ignore it the best they can.
Komala would have a hard time implementing a digital dollar like what they have in China, and people would see draft officers as murderous thugs dragging their family off to die. Unlike in Ukraine though American's have guns, and *****mers are all suicidal nihilists. That would result in draft officers not getting to collect their retirement funds they worked for by dragging people off to their deaths.
No joke idk if I'm fed-posting. If they ever start dragging people into vans like they do in Ukraine, get a revolver ( they shoot as soon as you pull the trigger, no cocking required ) or a good stabbing knife. If you get shot, killed, or executed, you were just going to die anyways. At least die with dignity, and get a proper burial, not getting eaten by rats and dogs in some foreign field.
Oh, and if they get you your "training" will consist of being beaten, humiliated, and possibly *****d even if male until your a broken husk that will only comply. Don't think you gonna be a good Goy and make it out. You won't.
> P.S. add moar emojis! Not moar content! <
Site Updates
Not Gonna lie the reason I haven't updated the site regularly is I just stopped giving a shit. I looked back through the blog archive and it looks like I kinda just stopped in 2014. 10 YEARS passed and I really never picked the site back up. This is the year I basically got completely blackpilled you could say.
Been trying to get out of the slump lately. Been rotting all around and not just on site updates since covid lockdowns. Said ***** it in 2014 bought a good gaming computer when I finally decided my "good" STEMcel degree/certificates were basically useless unless you are the kind of guy who creeps on womens feets pics and shits in the street. ( enjoy the shaudenfreud of these jeets crashing tech like they crash boing aircraft )
While I haven't spent the last 10 years NEETmaxing in a musty bedroom filled with piss bottles. Unless you count about 2 years during covid... I really never quite got out of the depression that I was in. What comes after the blackpill? Sure you can sulk and dwell on things, but for how long and for what end?
I turned 30 during the lockdowns. Heiden is officially a boomer now. Heidenwut ( the site ) is 16 years old. ( old enough in most states, but too old for most of TOR ) I've been running this site almost half of my life at this point!
The Internetz has really changed in my life. When I started this site in 2008, despite what genX doomers would say the net was still a free and happy place to be. Gaming was still good and there was lots of good and interesting people to interact with out there.
Current year is a total *****ing dystopia. Troons and zOG corps ruined gaming and the net. My thousands of fun little websites have been bullied, blackmailed, bribed, bannished, or buried by numerous zOG police and corporate agencies. RIP 8chan the last place that I really felt at home on the net... ( frenschan i miss you too )
Sitting here at 4 in the morning typing this, cause I just feel like I got to.
I feel like I haven't felt in years for some reason...hopeful?
Goodnight for now Frens!
...Site was DOWN most of the year hits were shits...( still love you guys though )....
...Where was Heiden all this time? The site was down for a few months and it's almost impossible to get real anonymous hosting. I also have just been busy with work stuff and other things. ...
...Looks like my numbers are better than last year. It helps when your site is actually online most of the time, I guess...
...As far as the site review goes nothing happened. Views went to shit because I had to get a new onion address. And I didn't do anything for like 5 years other than claim that I might start writing again. ( which my lazy ass never did... ) Since shits going to get real soon, and there's no escape from it. I better start shitposting out articles again....
...Had issues with hosting in 2019. Site was down for about 1/4 of the year, and to top it off I ended up having to get an entirely new web-address which made my traffic kerplunk even harder. (cry) Oh, well...Although every year on the yearly report I make a claim that I'm gonna do a whole bunch of stuff this year, and usually underperform terrifically. ...
...Finally I did something other than just updating the handful of scripts that I use to upkeep the site. Wrote a total of six original articles after literally not doing shit in like 3 *****ing years. Who knows I might even do some more stuff this year as well! ...
...Although I didn't do anything as far as adding original content to the site this year I did work on a lot of the backend stuff. Things such as the ability to download Heidenwut as an epub document...
...Other than the fact that people still visit this site nothing happened worth posting about. Well there is one thing. I finally recovered the number of visitors that I had back in 2013 when Freedom Hosting was still around. So I guess Tor is back to doing well again....
...Didn't have time to do much this year. Was busy with other things...
...2014 was a busy year for me so I didn't get much done as far as the site goes. I wrote just a measely 4 articles each usually being postponed completion for like a month or two due to other things and sheer apathy. ...Anyways here's the Site Stats for 2014. It really wasn't that bad as far as site hits go. After all most websites don't even get half that much in year from what I've seen on the clearnet anyways....
...Basically 2013 sucked ass...
...Here is my stats report from 12.12.28. As you can see I had a pretty good year as far as posting went. I did a lot better than I thought I had done. After looking at the numbers of a few other popular and semi-popular sites on tor I came to realise that I am probably one of the most popular non ***** or social sites on the tor network ...
Site Updates
Wecsite ...
Site Updates
Site Updates
Site Updates
Schizo Boomers on Bitchute lied. Demons didn't come out of the Moon, no space Nazi invasion from Aldeberon. Shit just got kinda dimm for about 20 minutes.
Site Updates
Biden just made Easter Sunday trans remembrance day. I want all of you to remember that 1 out of 3 *****ual reassignment surgeries fail and the rot-pocket/meatsock goes gangrenous and gets infected by maggots.
Remember 41% is just rookie numbers. We gotta go full TERF Dyke on troons get that suicide rate up to 88% for memes and lulz!
Site Updates
Site was DOWN most of the year hits were shits...( still love you guys though ).
Subject | Total | Monthly Avg. | Growth |
Homepage Hits | 3430 | 286 | -93% |
Article Hits | 4602 | 384 | -93% |
Mirror Sites | 316 | 15 | -92% |
Original Articles | 0 | 0 | -- |
Others Articles | 0 | 0 | -- |
Blog Entries | 2 | 0.17 | -33% |
Banners Added | 0 | 0 | -- |
RSS Feed | 67 | 6 | -88% |
Book DLs | 197 | 16 | -93 |
Epub DLs | 62 | 5 | -91% |
Game DLs | 214 | 18 | -93% |
Image DLs | 147 | 12 | -88% |
Music DLs | 0 | 0 | -- |
Video DLs | 43 | 2 | -91% |
Site Updates
Last Update | (24.MM.DD |
Page Views | (34327 |
µSeconds | (0.0002 |
Memory | (0.32mb |